Centre of Excellence
for Sound Therapy Training
Sound Healing | Vibrational Sound Therapy | Sound Medicine | Therapeutic Sound | Clinic | Practitioner Training | Nada Yoga – Yoga of Sound Teacher Training
“There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres”
– Pythagoras

Is Your Training Accredited?
Yes we are honoured to be awarded recognition as Approved Training Providers and accredited with the following industry bodies:
- The Sound Healing Association of Ireland (SHAI)
- Mind Body Institute of Ireland (MBII)
The two industry bodies we believe are most relevant to the study and practice of sound & vibrational healing here in Ireland.

If you study with us you will receive the following:
- Student membership of both SHAI and MBII during your studies. (you will need to submit a membership request to the bodies directly)
On completion of your studies you will receive the following:
- First year professional membership for the price of student membership. You will need to contact MBII and SHAI and request your discounted membership.
Irish Academy of Sound Therapy
is our Training Division
What is Earth Sounds© Method of Vibrational Sound Therapy?
A fusion of the sacred science of healing with sound and a modern scientific method of practice
The Earth Sounds© method of Vibrational Sound Therapy is sound healing supercharged! A unique blend of ancient sacred knowledge, holistic science and a modern clinical practice methodology, to provide proven and effective clinical treatment for the modern holistic therapist, yoga teacher, beauty spa professional or for anyone with a calling to learn more about the sacred science of healing with sound in a professional setting.
Used either as a preventative measure to reduce stress, or to assist with an existing health problem, the Earth Sounds© method of Therapeutic Sound Medicine can be a truly uplifting & transformational experience for the individual.
Sound healing with the Earth Sounds© method of Therapeutic Sound has been shown to assist with the following health conditions:
- Migraine
- Anxiety
- Back & neck pain
- Endocrine (hormone) imbalances
- Infertility (if caused by stress)
- Muscle aches & pains
- Fybromyalgia
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Sleep disorders
- Tinnitus
- all stress related conditions
Sound healing with the Earth Sounds© method of Therapeutic Sound is also an ideal treatment for those who either don’t want to, or can’t do any strenuous exercise or workout, as the treatment is conducted stress and movement-free with the client fully clothed and lying on the therapy table, with a blanket over for comfort and warmth.
Earth Sounds© method of Therapeutic Sound is also beneficial for the therapist conducting the treatment who will also greatly benefit from the balancing, calming and healing effects of the healing sound frequencies.
How is an Earth Sounds© method of Therapeutic Sound treatment conducted?
Firstly the Earth Sounds© Practitioner will spend some time in consultation with the client to discuss the intention for the treatment and also to determine if there are any other issues which need to be addressed in the treatment session. The Earth Sounds© Therapeutic Sound Medicine treatment may consist of one or more combination of the following, as intuitively determined by the practitioner:
- Therapeutic transformational guided meditation (TGM©)
- Sound Massage
- Biofield Tuning
- Sound bath meditation.
Therapeutic Transformational Guided Meditation (TGM©) is the Earth Sounds© form of guided meditation combined with positive mind coaching, a therapeutic intervention to bring about a desired long lasting positive change. For example calming the mind for stress reduction, using the body’s own power of self-healing, or perhaps to aid in chakra balancing.
The Earth Sounds© method of Therapeutic Sound clinical treatment is a method of placing the prescribed therapeutic grade Himalayan singing bowls of certain healing frequencies on and around certain places of the body in a specific sequence to work with the chakras and the body meridians. The bowls are struck and/or the rim is rubbed to activate the bowls and produce a resonance or sound.
The intensity of the sound waves generated from the combined metals of the bowl cause sound vibrations to travel through the skin and into the body. It is the sound vibrations which break up and clear away any blockages of the “chi” or life force energy flow at a cellular level which aids in clearing and balancing the energy of the mind and body.
Healing crystals may also be used in a prescribed manner to enhance and assist with the sound treatment. Unlike traditional massage therapy where the practitioner is hands on, with sound massag, the practitioner does not touch the client – it is the sound waves which massage the body.
The Earth Sounds© method of bio-field tuning is a treatment method using specially calibrated tuning forks of Pythagorean frequencies to work around and on the body to break up and clear away any dense energies and energy blockages which might exist either in the aura, the energy field surrounding the body or on the body itself. As with the Himalayan bowls, the bio-field tuning treatment with the prescribed Pythagorean tuning forks will improve the health of mind and body by assisting the body’s “chi” or life force energy to be brought back into perfect balance and harmony.
Sound Meditation is the playing of one or more instruments of the practitioners choice to bring about the desired effect to clear and balance chakras and “chi” energy flow in and around the body. The instruments are played in the room around and near the client as they lay peacefully in a state of meditation and relaxation The sound frequencies work on both the subtle and physical bodies for healing and wellbeing of mind and body.
The full body bio-field tuning with Pythagorean tuning forks is a very different treatment to the full body sonic massage therapy with Himalayan bowls, and a combination of the two can be used, depending on the client’s needs. The Earth Sounds© practitioner will intuitively determine the best treatment option for the client based on the initial consultation.
The objective of the Earth Sounds© Sound treatment is to clear and balance the body’s energy systems to facilitate homeostasis, the optimum state of perfect harmony, health and wellbeing of mind and body.
Our Earth Sounds© method of Sound Therapy Diplomas are suitable for all holistic therapists and beauty spa professionals. Also sutable for anyone with an interest is sound healing with real instruments of their choice for personal interest, and/or treating family and friends.
Contra-indications: Direct contact sound therapy or bio-field tuning where the bowls or tuning forks are placed directly on the body is not recommended for the following conditions: those with epilepsy; pacemaker; certain types of diabetes; persons with metal implants of any kind; less than three months after major surgery; those with lymph glands removed; those with any organ transplant of any kind; or for women in the first trimester of pregnancy.
The reason for this warning is that due to their condition,, the sound treatment may be uncomfortable for the individuals described. If unsure, please don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for advice.