2-Day Workshop
TSMPD1: Therapeutic Sound Foundation Level 1
Topics will included: (but not limited to)
- Creating sacred healing space
- Sonic massage individual treatments with a variety of tools including: singing bowls, tuning forks and tingshaw
- Sacred science of healing with sound
- Sacred sound as a path to inner peace
- Bio-field tuning with tuning forks including body scan, aura sweep and cleanse.
- Working with crystals
- The sacred healing triangle
- Brainwave entrainment
- Practical: Developing your confidence as a therapist
- Anatomy & Physiology 201 for Sonic Massage/Sound Healing
- Sound healing with voice
- Connecting to the client’s soul song
- More on working with the hypnotic trance state essential for profound self-healing
- Clinical practice
- Earth Sounds© Sound Bath experience to integrate the healing energies of the weekend
- plus much more!
It is recommended that you purchase your Peter Hess heart bowl and pelvis bowl to complete your foundation set of 3 healing bowls to bring to class with you as you will need these bowls to complete your case studies on completion of Level 3.
Your foundation set of 3 Peter Hess therapy bowls consists of 1: Universal bowl/joint bowl 2: Heart bowl (small or large) and 3: Pelvis bowl (small or large).
Peter Hess Bowls are available from Ghandarva Loka Dublin and Thomann online music store.
Accreditation: This training is accredited by Mind Body Institute of Ireland (MBII) and Sound Healing Association of Ireland (SHAI)