Earth Sounds© Practitioner’s Diploma of Therapeutic Sound
“The highest goal of music is to connect one’s soul to their Divine nature, not entertainment”
– Pythagoras

Nada Yoga – Yoga of Sound Facilitator’s Diploma
A first of it’s kind in Ireland! A Diploma Course which covers traditional sound &. music therapy principles from the Yogic traditions infused with a scientific approach, in a training course designed especially for unique & innovative Yoga teachers and other Mind Body Professionals, who wish to enhance their practice with the healing benefits of sacred sound medicine,
Also suitable for anyone wishing to discover more about healing with sound and mind relaxation in the workplace, or for their own personal interest.
All enrollments (except otherwise noted) have a booking Fee of €100 to secure your place.
Remainder paid on the day of class.
Note: Fee does not include instruments/equipment.
See the Schedule for course dates
The Earth Sounds© Method is an Inspiring World-Class Diploma and Advanced Diploma Study Program including the Science and Application of Earth Sounds Method© of Sound Medicine and Sound Healing, Sound Therapy and Therapeutic Sound in a Professional Setting, for either Clinical Practice and/or Group Work.
We have two study streams to choose from, depending on your sound medicine goals:
First study stream is for Clinical Practice working with sound one on one in a clinical setting. The Pythagorean Method© of sound medicine and healing with sound has it’s roots in ancient healing traditions.
- Practitioner’s Diploma of Therapeutic Sound Medicine for specialisation in sound massage one on one clinical treatment, or our
- Facilitators Diploma of Therapeutic Sound Medicine for working with groups including Sound Bath meditation.
- Or complete both for your Advanced Practitioner’s Diploma of Therapeutic Sound Medicine (Sound Therapy).
The second study stream is for Working In Groups:
- Nada Yoga – Yoga of Sound Practitioners Diploma
- Nada Yoga – Yoga Nidra Practitioner’s Diploma
Or complete both for your Nada Yoga – Yoga of Sound Advanced Practitioner’s Diploma
All modules can be studied in-person at our studio in Cork City. (subject to availability, please contact me first before booking your accommodation) or by Zoom blended delivery from anywhere in the world, (by request, on different dates)
For details on each module, please click on each heading below:
Introduction to Sound & Vibrational Healing (Beginners)
– Introduction to the Meridian system
– Introduction to the sacred science of healing with sound
– Connecting with the healing energy of the cosmos and the sacred sound stream.
– Learn effective meditation techniques for the energy therapist
– Learn how to set your intention to acheive effective results
– How to connnect to nature, plants and trees for spirit healing
Usui Reiki Level 1 Attunement
Level 1 Therapeutic Sound Medicine Foundation
2-Day Certified Workshop
This is the foundation module and prerequisite for each of our Diplomas and is suitable for anybody with an interest in gaining a recognised qualification in sound healing, sound therapy and sonic massage, either for professional use or for their own personal development. Existing therapist and teachers you can use the skills learning in this module in your existing practise right away. Disocver how to conduct expert sound bath meditations and sound healing groups.
Learn the sacred science of sound healing, how to select your instruments, introduction to sound bath meditation, how to design your own sound baths with instruments of your choosing, including how to effectively induce and maintain Theta trance states of deep meditation required for profound self-healing of mind, body & Spirit to supercharge your sound bath and give your participants the WOW experience every time!
This feature-packed Level 1 Foundation workshop will equip you with the foundation skills you need for futher study to the Diploma awards in both clincial treatment and group sound healing study streams. Discover how to conduct sound bath, sound journey, sound healing in groups with live instruments. You will also learn fundamentals of therapeutic hypnosis and how to facilitate effective guided meditations, vocal toning and sound medicine, how to conduct a single himalayan bowl sonic massage treatment for family and friends and more.
If you are already a qualified and practising energy therapist, natural health or health and wellbeing professional of any kind, including Reiki therapist or Yoga teacher you may use this module may be considered as CPD to enhance your existing qualifications. Please consult your insurance company for details.
Completion of this 2-day weekend workshop will equip you with the foundation knowledge and confidence you need to continue your studies and succeed as a sound healing professional. For those who are already working as a natural health practitioner of any kind, you can immediately incorporate the skills learned into your existing practise as CPD training.
On compl;etion of this worksohp you will also be eligible to study the following Diploma pathways:
– Sonic Massage & Therapeutic Sound Practitioner Diploma & Advanced Diploma
– Therapeutic Sound Facilitator’s Diploma
– Nada Yoga Nidra Teacher’s Diploma
Topics covered in this Level 1 Foundation module include:
- History of Sound Healing
- Sacred science of healing with sound
- Understanding the earth healing frequencies
- Preparation of the healing space – learn the art of sacred ceremony and ritual and how to create a safe and sacred healing space
- The Role of Intention
- The Sacred Science of Healing with Sound
- Connecting to Web of Life
- Trusting Your Intuition
- Developing your confidence as a therapist
- How to avoid sound bath mistakes
- Anatomy & Physiology 101 for Sonic Massage/Sound Healing
- Introduction to sound heaing with voice.
- Journey through the chakras
- How to choose your instruments including gong, singing bowls, shamanic drum and more
- Introduction to Therapeutic Hypnosis
- The 3 stages of Transformational Guided Meditation© (TGM)
- Learn how to expertly conduct guided meditations using therapeutic hypnosis techniques.
- Introduction to basic playing techniques for a range of instruments including including gong, singing bowls, shamanic drum and more
- How to use the principles of hypnosis and your instruments to effectively induce and maintain the trance state essential for profound self-healing
- Conducting a Single Himalayan Bowl clincial treatment for family & friends
- Putting it all together: Experience a real Earth Sounds© sound healing/sound bath/sound Journey meditation
- plus much more!
Himalayan singing bowls will be available for purchase. If you intend continuing with Sonic Massage Practitioner levels 2 and 3 or Advanced Facilitator levels 4 and 5, it is recommended (but not essential) that you purchase a Peter Hess Universal Therapy singing bowl from Thomann online at a cost of €169 for your own use during your Level 1 in-class. You will find the bowl at the following link: If you already have a himalayan singing bowl and do not wish to purchase your therapy singing bowl for Level 1 training, you can bring your existing bowl with you to class instead
Level 2 Therapeutic Sound Medicine
2-Day Workshop
Pre-requisite: Level 1
Topics will included: (but not limited to)
- Creating sacred healing space
- Sonic massage individual treatments with a variety of tools including: singing bowls, tuning forks and tingshaw
- Sacred science of healing with sound
- Sacred sound as a path to inner peace
- Bio-field tuning with tuning forks including body scan, aura sweep and cleanse.
- Working with crystals
- The sacred healing triangle
- Brainwave entrainment
- Practical: Developing your confidence as a therapist
- Anatomy & Physiology 201 for Sonic Massage/Sound Healing
- Sound healing with voice
- Connecting to the client’s soul song
- More on working with the hypnotic trance state essential for profound self-healing
- Clinical practice
- Earth Sounds© Sound Bath experience to integrate the healing energies of the weekend
- plus much more!
It is recommended that you purchase your Peter Hess heart bowl and pelvis bowl to complete your foundation set of 3 healing bowls to bring to class with you as you will need these bowls to complete your case studies on completion of Level 3.
Your foundation set of 3 Peter Hess therapy bowls consists of 1: Universal bowl/joint bowl 2: Heart bowl (small or large) and 3: Pelvis bowl (small or large).
Peter Hess Bowls are available from Ghandarva Loka Dublin (ask for student discount) and Thomann online music store.
Level 3 - Therapeutic Sound Medicine
2-Day Workshop
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Foundation, Level 2 Therapeutic Sound Medicine
This module is Part 3 of the 3 – part Practitioners Diploma of Therapeutic Sound Medicine (Sound Therapy)
Topics include: (but not limited to)
- Creating sacred healing space
- Grounding, centering and connecting to the sacred sound stream.
- Advanced techniques for the Earth Sounds© method of sonic massage individual treatment.
- Advanced bio-field tuning with tuning forks, tingshaws, chimes and singing bowls
- Good business practice: setting up your business
- Marketing strategies for business success
- Using the pendulum to connect with subtle energies
- Making your own pendulum
- Preparation for Case study treatments
- In-class assessment: Individual client treatment
- Clinical practice – putting it all together
- Earth Sounds© Sound Bath experience to integrate the healing energies of the weekend
- plus more!
You will be assessed and coached every step of the way to ensure that you have the best chance at succeeding in your new business.
Our goal is to produce confident and capable Earth Sounds© Sonic Massage & Therapeutic Sound Practitioners.
On completion of your level 3 practical assessment and submission of your case study notes, you will be certified as an Earth Sounds© Sonic Massage & Therapeutic Sound Practitioner and ready to conduct individual treatments with your choice of sound healing instruments.
Level 4 - Gong Master Training 1-day Masterclass
1-Day Workshop
With special guest teacher Jackie King who visits us from the UK, herself a Yoga Teacher, Holistic Therapist and 25+ years accomplished student of Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux.
This inspiring 1-day training is also the 2nd module of our Yoga of Sound Facilitator Diploma. Designed for those with a calling to connect deeply with the healing power of the Gong as a therapeutic intervention working individually in a clinical consultation or with groups. Discover the power of the sacred gong, learning advanced gong techniques for sacred gong bath/therapeutic sound healing along with individual treatment with the hand gong and more.
- The Gong and its effect on energy
- Connecting with your Gong
- Care of your Gong
- Advanced techniques for therapeutic Gong sound healing
- Gong for ceremony and ritual
- Trance work with the Gong
- Journey meditation with the Gong and sacred gong bath
- Gong healing with nature and the land
- Individual treatment: Chakra balance with the hand Gong
The Ceremonial Rattle
- The Significance of the Rattle in Ceremony
- Types of Rattles
- Methods of Rattle Making
Pre-requisite: Your own hand-gong is recommened (but not essential) for this inspiring day of study and practice.
Level 5 - Drum Sound Healing & Celtic Healing Wisdom 1-day Master Class
1-Day Masterclass
With special guest teacher Orla Scanlan, authentic 8th generation Irish bone-setter healer, energy healer and registered Kinesiologist from Co.Waterford.
This inspiring 1-day training is for those with a calling to connect deeply with the healing power of the Drum as a therapeutic intervention working individually or with groups. Discover different types of drum, effective use of drum for journey meditation and healing techniques to enhance their practice working with the self and others.
This is the third and final module for the Earth Sounds© Therapeutic Sound Medicine Facilitator Diploma and the Yoga of Sound Facilitator Diploma.
Topics covered include:
- Choosing your drum
- Connecting with your drum
- Getting to know shamanic frame drum
- Getting to know Hang drum/Handpan
- Developing your intuitive guidance
- Creating sacred space
- Drum for ceremony and ritual
- Journey meditation with the drum
- Clinical treatment with drum & rattle
- Connecting your drum with the rythm of life
- Safely working with trance states and the drum
- Trance journey meditation – method and practice
Rattle Part 2
- Making Your Rattle
Yoga Nidra 2
- Extending the transformational power of Yoga Nidra
Your own frame drum of any size is required for this weekend course.
Note: This training alone does not give you the title of “Master” or “Drum Master”. You will learn foundation skills and techniques required for mastery, how long it takes you to master the technqiues is dependent on your level of dedication and practice. As a rule, mastery takes at least 5 years to acheive.
Each person is different, your own intuition will tell you when you have achieved the state of mastery. Always remember that a true master is ego-less and doesn’t even refer to themselves as a master.
Are you ready?
There’s no better time like right now …