Are you ready for a workplace training designed for Mind Body Professionals, which shows you how to supercharge your meditation or Yoga Nidra with the transformative effects of live sound? Would you like to learn how to create an immersive live sound meditation experience like no other with all the wonders you can offer?
With over 20 years experience in healing with sound and music, I know how well mind body professionals who are drawn to work with sound can enhance their classes, sessions, events and retreats by integrating live sound into their existing practice. I also know how Yoga teachers & mind body professionals are among the best at learning new skills superfast.
So that’s why I’ve created this new Nada Yoga – Yoga of Sound Facilitator Diploma training for Yoga teachers & all Mind Body Professionals. If you are ready to learn this right now, this training could be just what you are looking for.
This certified workshop is suitable for those with an existing qualification for working with relaxation of the mind for stress reduction, such as Yoga Teachers, Mindfulness Trainers or Holistic Therapists or any kind who wish to enhance their existing skills right away with certifiied and accredited training (SHAI & MBII Approved) and also for those who wish to learn for their own personal development.
Discover the theory and practice of sacred sound healing from ancient nada yoga to modern sound therapy, and how to intuitively integrate sacred sound / nada yoga within your existing practice when ever you are ready.
It’s no surprise that live sound meditation is the perfect way to enhance and expand your Yoga practice. After all, ancient sound therapy with live sacred sounds is part of the Yogic tradition! You were born for this!
You’ll learn (from a Hypnotherapist) how to integrate innovative mind skills from real hypnosis to enhance your guided meditation or Yoga Nidra.
You’ll discover your inner musician as you learn (from a professional musician) the easy way to play a range of music & sound therapy instruments including sacred gong, Hung & hand gong, Himalayan singing bowls, Crystal singing bowls, Harmonium, Hang drum, Metallophone, Frame drum, Ocean drum, Kalimba/thumb piano, Chimes and more.
You’ll learn (from a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher) how to design a deliver a live yoga sound meditation experience and work effectively & safely with trance states for a truly transformative experience for your clients.
Plus more! Your Facilitator is Yogi Sharon Q from Australia, now based in Cork City at Yoga of Sound Studio.
This certification is real work place training which means a Certificate of Completion is awarded and completion of the day. You will be invited to join our private tutor support Facebook group.
If you wish to continue further to study sacred sound meditation to our Diploma level with further specialisations in Gong mastery, and Drum sound healing mastery there are two more optional study days plus a case study video submission of your real sacred sound savasana meditation experience however you wish to integrate sound into your practice.
With this 1-day training you will have the knowledge and confidence you need to begin your own self-practice to connect with your chosen instrument(s) and you will integrate sacred sounds meditation into your existing workplace however you wish when ever you are ready.
There is no need for a significant investment of instruments. If Himalayan bowls are your thing then they will do just fine! Your case study video is designed to be lots of fun.
Enrolment Fee: €195 includes printed & bound manual to take home plus invitation to attend any number of our monthly Zoom follow-up classes to assist you with your learning.
- €100 booking deposit confirms your place.
- After Registration you will receive an email with details of how to pay your booking deposit by Paypal. Balance of fees to be paid on the day.
Join the course Facebook group to stay up to date with latest news: https://www.facebook.com/groups/yogaofsoundireland/ Zoom eLearning option will be available as soon as possible. This workshop will be held at Yoga of Sound Studio in Cork City. More dates will be scheduled on demand. if you are unable to attend this date, please email sharon (at) pythagorasinstitute (dot) com to request a new course date to be scheduled. Prerequisites: There are no pre-requisites to study for personal interest, however if you if you wish to use sacred sounds meditation with clients or in a workplace setting, you must already hold or be working towards a qualification which allows you to work with the mind for relaxation or stress reduction. Cancellation Policy: Booking deposit may be transferred to another date, but is non-refundable except for cancellation by the host