Health & Safety Policy
Pythagoras Institute of Sound & Vibrational Medicine aims to create an in-person learning space as a sanctuary of peace and tranquility where you can feel at ease – I do not agree with bullying or discrimination. If you feel you are being bullied or the subject of discrimination from anywhere please don’t hesitate to call in and see how I can assist you with helpful advice to help you develop a strategy to cope with the situation.
Digital Pass Not Required: No pass or cert required for in-person classes.
In-Person Classes: Eligibility requirements for in-person attendance:
For those who have taken a Covid-19 vaccine: For insurance reasons it must be at least 6 weeks since your last injection.
If you suffer from any of the following conditions you are advised to consult your Doctor for advice before booking your place:
Pacemaker; Diabetes with Insulin injections; Recent surgery (less than 4 weeks); High risk pregnancy.
Face Coverings/Masks
Breathing fresh air is essential for good health. Covering your mouth and nose to restrict your breathing while imagining you have a contageous disease will never do anything to improve your health. You should always use your own intuition to tell you what is right.
Many activities will also have a Zoom option for those who prefer Zoom because its more convenient to them. Please don’t hesitate to ask for a zoom class to suit your requirements.
My Yoga Temple and Sound Studio and Clinic is a sanctuary where you can escape from the world for a short time,
I look forward to welcoming you!