Tameana Crystal Healing
““There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres”
– Pythagoras
What is Tameana Crystal Healing?
Energy healing channeled from the Pleaidian source to raise the vibration to the heart frequency of unconditional love for balance, health & harmony.
The Earth Sounds© method of sound therapy is a unique blend of ancient sacred wisdom, science and a modern clinical practice to provide valid and effective clinical treatment methods and group sound healing for the modern holistic therapist, yoga teacher, beauty spa professional or for anyone with a calling to learn more about the science of healing with sound in. professional setting.
Used either as a preventative measure or to assist with an existing health problem, the Earth Sounds© method of sound therapy can be a truly profound and transformational experience for the individual. Earth Sounds© sound therapy is also beneficial for the therapist conducting the treatment who also greatly benefit from the balancing, calming and healing effects of the healing sound frequencies.
Earth `Sounds© method of Sound Therapy has been found to provide assistance to those who are seeking an effective complementary treatment for the following conditions:
- Anxiety
- Back & neck pain
- Endocrine (hormone) imbalances
- Infertility (if caused by stress)
- Muscle aches & pains
- Fybromyalgia
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Sleep disorders
- Tinnitus
- all stress related conditions
The Earth Sounds© method of sound therapy is also the perfect treatment for those who either don’t want to, or can’t do any strenuous exercise or workout, as the treatment is conducted stress and movement-free with the client fully clothed and lying on the therapy table, with a blanket over for comfort and warmth.